Category: Extras

Laughing all the way, it’s time for a Christmas break!

Posted December 18, 2017 in What's New
Laughing all the way, it’s time for a Christmas break!

Believe it or not, I started planning everything when November kicked in, and by December 2nd all presents were here, the ones that needed to be sent to family got delivered, decorations were up, and I had real fun! Now it’s Christmas week, tons of people are running like crazy trying desperately to find what they want—or at least something that doesn’t look like a last minute gift—shipping is tricky, […]

Be on Santa’s Nice List this Christmas!

Posted December 11, 2017 in What's New
Be on Santa’s Nice List this Christmas!

Last week, a group of lovely authors released a self-published anthology of fiction and poetry I had the pleasure to design the cover for! There’s always something special when you touch a book you gave your contribution to with your own hands, and this one might be even more since it’s a Charity Anthology released to help promote literacy. Interested yet? Let me see if I can indulge you in Darkness . […]

New glasses call for new books!

Posted November 27, 2017 in What's New
New glasses call for new books!

Hello regular & new readers of my blog 🙂 Hope you are all more than well! I’ve been taking my reading slow lately because I kept experiencing some discomfort with my eyes and developing very unpleasant headaches . . . Do not worry, though, I should be fine soon. I had an eye test appointment last week, apparently I needed new reading glasses. My eyesight has always been perfect (yay!), […]

Ho-Ho-Ho, Merry Christmas!

Posted December 23, 2016 in What's New
Ho-Ho-Ho, Merry Christmas!

Ho-Ho-Ho! I’m not the only one super-excited to open the presents start the celebrations, right? Thought so! 😉 I’m about to get busy cooking (ok, helping in the kitchen), but mostly relaxing and having fun for the next few days. However, me and Darkest Sins couldn’t really take off without sending you, precious readers, supporters, fellow bloggers, friends & amazing people around the blogosphere our personal Christmas wishes first, could […]