Series: Original Sin

Passion Rising by J.A. Huss and Johnathan McClain

Posted May 11, 2018 in Books
Passion Rising by J.A. Huss and Johnathan McClain

The moment to say goodbye to this couple has come, but the good news is that we don’t have to say farewell to Huss and McClain as a writing duo. In fact, they appear to have more in store for us in the future, yay! Passion Rising wraps things up pretty well, giving an ending to a series that has been promising from the very beginning. While I had some […]

Flesh Into Fire by J.A. Huss and Johnathan McClain

Posted April 13, 2018 in Books
Flesh Into Fire by J.A. Huss and Johnathan McClain

After a less exciting second instalment, here comes the revenge of the third book . . . My knees were bouncing with impatience because I had it in my heart this series would pick right up and boy, was I right? Full of danger, guessing, twists, and menacing surroundings—not to mention the crazy bad guys—the plot took a turn that kept me engaged and totally intrigued. Also, my attachment to […]

Angels Fall by J.A. Huss and Johnathan McClain

Posted March 30, 2018 in Books
Angels Fall by J.A. Huss and Johnathan McClain

It’s a good thing we didn’t have to wait that long for this second book because the end of the first one surely left me biting my nails . . . The suspense was really killing me, so I dug into this new chapter quite greedily. I’d like to say the plot thickens, but in all honesty I couldn’t find myself that surprised about the course of events. However, I […]

Sin with Me by J.A. Huss and Johnathan McClain

Posted March 6, 2018 in Books
Sin with Me by J.A. Huss and Johnathan McClain

I’m fascinated by book collaborations, and why wouldn’t I be? We get to read a powerful story plotted by not just one, but two great minds. Sometimes we already had the pleasure to read something by one or both authors, and others we discover them for the very first time. Whichever way we look at it, it’s a win, right? Then a sexy contemporary romance written by J.A. Huss and […]