
Darkest Sins was originally born from my strong passion for books and the desire to share this with the rest of the group. Yes, you, dear readers! However, passion comes in various forms, and mine often also takes the shape of manga, stationery, food . . . Well, why spoil you all the fun? Stick around and let your curiosity be the key to unlocking all the goodies!

As for the girl who’s rambling . . . Hello, I’m Silvia and I welcome you all to my blog!

Through my creativity and blogging, I have met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. My strong passion for reading and my fascination for different cultures and languages have led me to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see me? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

Fun facts about me:

  • My fave colour is purple. Who would have thought that, huh?
  • I LOVE Lasagna, but I don’t hate Mondays *hehe*
  • I can be so hyper-focused that it’s better to set a reminder or I easily forget to eat . . . *oops*
  • I sang in my middle school choir, but don’t tell anyone I can sing because I’m shy *sshh*
  • When I was a kid I wanted to become a painter. Can you see a pattern here?
  • I’m self-studying Japanese and Korean, so you probably can guess my dream destinations!


Best Book Blog of 2017

A big thanks to the professional team at The Writer Awards for this great recognition! Also, lots of love to all the authors, publishers, fellow bloggers and readers for their constant amazing support ♡