Category: What’s New

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Posted December 24, 2011 in What's New
Merry Christmas Everyone!

My fave holiday has finally arrived and I’m more than ready to celebrate with great food and lots of presents!! 😀 Are you? I’m pretty sure you are! 😉 From the bottom of my heart, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!

My Darkest Sins . . .

Posted May 2, 2011 in What's New
My Darkest Sins . . .

Hey everyone, this is Silvia and I’m pleased to welcome you on my blog! I’m an avid reader, so it’s pretty simple to figure out what I’m gonna be blogging about here, right? 😛 Well, you totally got me there, my darkest sins are books! Urban fantasy books to be specific, and the charming world of Paranormal! 😉 I’m on Goodreads, where I usually write some reviews for books I […]