Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Deadmen Walking by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Posted June 12, 2017 in Books
Deadmen Walking by Sherrilyn Kenyon

When asked if I was interested in reviewing this title, it only took the words ‘fantasy’ and ‘pirates’ in the same sentence for the UK publisher to woo me. Come on, can you blame me? Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a pirate’s read for me . . . What an adventure! This story has it all, pirates, magical creatures, curses, vile villains, myths, epic battles, and hope for redemption. This last part […]

Time Untime by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Posted August 13, 2012 in Books
Time Untime by Sherrilyn Kenyon

A captivating plot with a good mix of romance and action is always a sign of a great story, but if you find a special character in it, that will catch your attention more than anything else. The name of such a powerful character here is Ren and his charm has nothing to do with his beauty or behaviour, but all with his background story. You can’t help but feeling […]

Alterant by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dianna Love

Posted September 29, 2011 in Books
Alterant by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dianna Love

I usually don’t read the second book of a series if I haven’t read the previous one first, but when the Publisher sent me this book and I read the blurb I couldn’t resist. Fortunately, the first book wasn’t totally ‘vital’—but to be read for sure!—because many things are explained a lot and quite well here, including references to the previous events, so it was a pleasurable reading of what […]