Series: Bloodlines

Torment by Lindsay Anne Kendal

Posted December 9, 2011 in Books
Torment by Lindsay Anne Kendal

I had a conflict with this second instalment, it was an enjoyable reading but despite the previous book, there was something that bothered me . . . The characters are over twenty but looking at how they act, react and talk here, they definitely seem more like they’re sixteen, and I saw this especially during the first part of the book. That annoyed me together with how everyone took every […]

Bloodlines by Lindsay Anne Kendal

Posted December 7, 2011 in Books
Bloodlines by Lindsay Anne Kendal

The story has a great potential, it catches your attention from the very first chapter and makes you wonder. There’s only a thing that I didn’t particularly liked and it’s the way the bound between the characters happens. It was too fast for me and that’s why I didn’t find it particularly believable . . . But then some of the best parts were the ones in which I could […]