Alabaster Nights by Elle J Rossi

Posted May 15, 2014 by Silvia in Books / 6 Comments

I received a free copy of this book from Author for an honest review.
This does not affect in any way my opinion of the book nor the content of my review.

Alabaster Nights by Elle J RossiAlabaster Nights Series: The Josie Hawk Chronicles #0.5
Published by Self-published on December 1, 2013
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Source: Author
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A Vampire with a soul.
A Huntress with a knife.
In Nashville, Blood equals Power. Will one taste of Josie Hawk cost Keller everything?

Alabaster Nights is a novella that introduces the reader to The Josie Hawk Chronicles. It reveals how Keller and Josie met or, better yet, how they ‘accidentally’ found their mate in each other. At least Keller seems to be pretty sure about that, Josie has quite an attitude and making light over the whole ‘are you really my mate?’ reveals to be a tricky challenge for our hero . . .

I liked both characters—also Keller’s sister, Sage—they’re a good match and they promise an exciting adventure to come, which is why I’m so curious to read the novel, too. What bothered me a bit instead was the POV jump from third (Keller’s) to first (Josie’s) person, as I prefer to stick with one during the reading because I find it less distracting. Of course, this didn’t stop me from enjoying the read in the end, which flew really well, even though I felt like the final chapter was a bit too rushed. A shame because it had the potential to be the most powerful part in the novella.

Nevertheless, it was a pleasant read that definitely got me interested about those characters and their backgrounds. You should give it a go and let Elle J Rossi lead you to the wicked world she has created!


About Silvia

Through her creativity and blogging, Silvia has met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. Her strong passion for reading and her fascination for different cultures and languages have led her to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see her? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

6 responses to “Alabaster Nights by Elle J Rossi

  1. Bookworm Brandee

    Okay yes, I still want to read it. I'm intrigued with the characters and I don't know if I'd have an issue with the shifting POV. But the pacing – this is often my problem with novellas – there's just not enough pages to wrap things up well, you know? I'd prefer the author to add more pages so that things don't feel rushed. (of course, a full length novel can end up feeling the same way, huh?) Anyway, great review, Silvia!

  2. I get what you mean, but then this is just an introduction to make readers know how the main characters met and everything got started. Honestly, it's not like the pacing is all wrong, it is good until towards the end. The latest events were a bit too rushed for me and yes, a few more pages would have helped make those events really outstanding. Still, it's a novella that gets you eager to know more about Josie and Keller and I would recommend it, you may discover a new paranormal romance to keep your eyes on! 😉

  3. Apparently, those POV jumps are not a problem for everyone and that's good. Personally, I find this type of writing distracting, but I also have to say that Elle did a pretty good job with her story, so I really enjoyed it and I want to read more!

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