Beautiful Liar by Tara Bond

Posted June 12, 2015 by Silvia in Books / 16 Comments

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley for an honest review.
This does not affect in any way my opinion of the book nor the content of my review.

Beautiful Liar by Tara BondBeautiful Liar by Tara Bond
Series: Stand-alone
Published by Simon & Schuster on May 7, 2015
Genres: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Source: NetGalley
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Nina Baxter knows all about responsibility. With her father dead and her mother drowning her sorrows, it's up to Nina to take care of her younger sister, April, and try to hold the family together. But when her options run out, she is forced to take a job working for the wealthy Noble family.
Alexander Noble is the rakish heir to an unimaginable fortune. Sexy, charming and entitled, he's never had to do a day's work in his life, and devotes himself to pleasure and partying. With a reputation for bedding a different woman every night, he doesn't appear to give a damn about anything.
From their very first meeting, Nina knows Alex is bad news, and vows to stay away from him. But as their paths continue to cross, she can't help being drawn to his raffish charisma - especially when he makes no secret of his interest in her. For the first time in her life, Nina is on the brink of following her heart. But can she believe Alex when he tells her to trust him? Or is he just another beautiful liar?

This book got me intrigued the moment I put my eyes on it so, when the publisher asked me if I wanted to be part of the review tour, of course I said yes. A bit different from the NA books I’ve read so far, Beautiful Liar offers an engaging story rich of surprising twists and quite the drama.

Nina and Alex come from two very different backgrounds, and that is exactly what makes them so interesting. Nina is a strong girl who struggles to keep her family together and works hard not to let everything completely fall apart, while Alex is a rich, careless womaniser, party-hard kind of guy who’s quite difficult to like. Although, the more you read the more you develop a fascination for him . . . Nevertheless, you’ll want to slap him more than once and even yell at him. A lot. What those two characters share is a certain drama that makes you question things through the whole read, and keeps you on the edge until the end. I may have found a few events running a bit fast or being too easily dismissed, but it was still hard to put the book down and I truly enjoyed the read.

Beautiful Liar is a winning story that gets you emotional and angry at the same time, and proves further more that lying definitely does no good to anyone.

Beautiful Liar Official UK Blog Tour


About Silvia

Through her creativity and blogging, Silvia has met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. Her strong passion for reading and her fascination for different cultures and languages have led her to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see her? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

16 responses to “Beautiful Liar by Tara Bond

  1. LOL He is quite the character, sometimes drives you crazy but for some reason you can't completely hate him. Kinda fascinating, plus the story has some good twists soooo . . . Let me know if you give it a go!

  2. I may be weird, but I prefer mostly reading about characters that are not engaging at first, it gives them an edge and a difference ^^ So, someone you can't completely hate but makes you react is very good ! I will, Silvia 🙂

  3. I checked but no, it's full price and rather expensive. I've added it to my wish-list to keep an eye on a possible price drop – or be foolish and one-click it when I won't be able to resist anymore, lol !

  4. Sorry, it's still at £0.99 here in UK, so I thought you could find it at the same price, too . . . Oh well, it was worth a shot! Hopefully the price will drop a bit soon so you can grab it 🙂

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