Behind the Curtain by Beth Kery

Posted June 16, 2017 by Silvia in Books / 0 Comments

I received a free copy of this book from Publisher for an honest review.
This does not affect in any way my opinion of the book nor the content of my review.

Behind the Curtain by Beth KeryBehind the Curtain by Beth Kery
Series: Stand-alone
Published by Headline Eternal on May 2, 2017
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Source: Publisher
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There's something about this woman that could bring a man to his knees . . .
On a break between overseas jobs, journalist Asher Gaites returns to his hometown of Chicago—and allows his friends to persuade him to check out a hot new singer. At a downtown jazz club, he's soon transfixed by the lyrical voice and sensuous body of a woman who performs behind a thin, shimmering veil . . .
The veil gives Moroccan-American Laila Barek the anonymity she needs, since she has never been able to reconcile her family's values with her passion for music. But one man is inexplicably drawn to her. And when Asher confronts her on a subway platform after a gig, he's shocked to recognize the woman who walked away from him eight years ago . . .
Laila has never been able to forget the touch, the feel, the taste of Asher. And despite the doubt and fear that wind their way into their lives, they must trust the heat of their desire to burn down the walls the world has placed between them . . .

I only read one book from this author before, but I knew I had to try more of her works, and I was sure this was going to be the perfect title to help with my ‘Kery education’. Boy, was I 100% right!

From the moment I read the blurb, I was captivated. Then, when I started reading, I found myself completely absorbed into the story and felt so much for the characters. The real surprise was discovering this book is not just adult, but also partly new adult, and don’t you just love that? I surely do! The mystery halo you get from the very first pages makes you beg for a window through the past, and when that window is open, you can’t help but being fascinated by what’s behind it . . . Forbidden encounters which aren’t just hot and sensual—oh my, Beth Kery deserves a round of applause for the way she has beautifully written Every.Single.Steamy.Scene.—but also touching, mainly because of the huge obstacle to Asher and Laila’s relationship: their different culture. It breaks your heart seeing that this still plays a big role in our modern society, but it’s sadly true, and it’s too bad family values stop someone from reaching happiness and also show the world their real potential.

I loved this book, it was more than I honestly expected. Emotional and strong at the same time, full of hope and dreams everyone has a right to follow and fight for.


About Silvia

Through her creativity and blogging, Silvia has met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. Her strong passion for reading and her fascination for different cultures and languages have led her to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see her? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

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