Category: Reviews

Adversary by Kate Kaynak

Posted July 2, 2011 in Books
Adversary by Kate Kaynak

There is lots of drama in this book, so many things happen and at some point I read the most unexpected scene ever . . . One that left me completely shocked! In fact I’d say that shock is the word that describes better the weapon Kate Kaynak used writing this intense sequel. If you thought that the relationship between Maddie and Trevor couldn’t grow more you have no idea […]

Minder by Kate Kaynak

Posted June 27, 2011 in Books
Minder by Kate Kaynak

It was interesting to read about a world where there are no standard supernatural creatures—and this from one that loves them—but the characters are all humans with different mental powers. I loved how every special ability is presented, how the explanation behind all is very accurate and how the author makes you feel so curious that you want to learn more and more about all these amazing powers. There are […]

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Posted June 24, 2011 in Books
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

I had a long, tormented story with this book . . . I had it in my hands every time I was in a bookstore, but I always ended up putting it down because there was something that stopped me from buying it. I don’t know what it was, but for some reason I couldn’t ignore it. Now that I finally purchased it and read it, I can say that […]

Blood Noir by Laurell K. Hamilton

Posted June 15, 2011 in Books
Blood Noir by Laurell K. Hamilton

I loved Jason since the very beginning, so you can imagine how much I wanted to read this book knowing it was focused on him. And now that I’ve finished it I’d almost need to re-read it! At first, I thought Blood Noir was similar to Micah, but I have to say that it was because most of the story takes place in a hotel and that’s it. I actually […]