Category: Reviews

Coyote Night by Danielle D. Smith

Posted July 26, 2011 in Books
Coyote Night by Danielle D. Smith

This book is the sequel of Rose and Skriker’s story from the first novel called Black Dog and Rebel Rose. I haven’t read the first novel and I was afraid I wouldn’t be involved as I should, but it was totally the opposite! Of course it would be better to read them in order, so be sure to grab them both, you really wanna know how everything started for Skriker […]

Darkness Unbound by Keri Arthur

Posted July 25, 2011 in Books
Darkness Unbound by Keri Arthur

I remember Risa when she was just a baby, how much I liked her and how many times I laughed with her scenes with Riley! When I was reading the last book I thought how great it would have been to see her grow up, then I read the news Keri Arthur was going to write an entire series about this amazing character and I was in heaven! One of […]

Trial by Fire by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Posted July 21, 2011 in Books
Trial by Fire by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

I remember how much I liked the first instalment of this series and I was very excited to read this second book. Now that I finished it I’m disappointed . . . I don’t know how is it possible to have loved Raised by Wolves so much and then dislike this one . . . Let me explain, the the story is interesting but the main problem is with the […]

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

Posted July 14, 2011 in Books
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

When my best friend told me this was one of the best books she had read this year, describing it like something I’d surely appreciate a lot, I couldn’t resist and borrowed it. Honestly, I can’t criticize this book, it’s simply amazing! I loved the plot and the scary, mysterious atmosphere that makes so difficult to put it down. It all sounds like an horror/thriller movie and I actually think […]