Trial by Fire by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Posted July 21, 2011 by Silvia in Books / 4 Comments

Trial by Fire by Jennifer Lynn BarnesTrial by Fire by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Series: Raised by Wolves #2
Published by Quercus Publishing on June 13, 2011
Genres: YA, Paranormal
Source: Purchased
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Bryn is now alpha of the Cedar Ridge Pack—although it's not simple when you're a human leading a band of werewolves. Then she finds a teenage boy bleeding on her front porch. Before collapsing, he tells her his name is Lucas, he's a Were, and Bryn's protection is his only hope. But Lucas is part of another alpha's pack and Bryn has no right to claim him. As danger closes in, Bryn will have to accept that to be alpha, she will have to give into her animal instincts and become less human. And she's going to have to do it alone.

I remember how much I liked the first instalment of this series and I was very excited to read this second book. Now that I finished it I’m disappointed . . .

I don’t know how is it possible to have loved Raised by Wolves so much and then dislike this one . . . Let me explain, the the story is interesting but the main problem is with the emotions . . . I felt nothing. I didn’t feel the same passion of the first book, I didn’t find myself laughing, crying, anything at all, I just kept reading to know what was going on but there were different times where I would have put this book down because it was annoying me pretty much not to be emotionally involved . . . But since it’s difficult for me to give up a book when I start the reading, like it or not I have to finish it and that’s what I did.

What else can I say? Probably I found more interesting the first book thanks to Callum. He’s the strongest character in my opinion and the one who really makes the reading interesting on an emotional level, but here he has a minor role so . . . Plus, I can’t stand Bryn and Chase, I really just can’t, and there’s nothing you can say to change my mind, I don’t think he’s right for her.


About Silvia

Through her creativity and blogging, Silvia has met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. Her strong passion for reading and her fascination for different cultures and languages have led her to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see her? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

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