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This does not affect in any way my opinion of the book nor the content of my review.

Series: Elder Races #1
Published by Piatkus on May 3, 2012
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Source: Publisher
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Half-human and half-Wyr, Pia Giovanni spent her life keeping a low profile among the Wyrkind and avoiding the continuing conflict between them and their Dark Fae enemies. But after being blackmailed into stealing a coin from the hoard of a dragon, Pia finds herself targeted by one of the most powerful—and passionate—of the Elder races.
Feared and respected among the Wyrkind, Dragos Cuelebre cannot believe someone had the audacity to steal from him, much less succeed. And when he catches the thief, Dragos spares her life, claiming her as his own to further explore the desire they’ve ignited in each other. Pia knows she must repay Dragos for the trespass, but refuses to become his slave—although she cannot deny wanting him, body and soul . . .
Dragons. I mean, D-R-A-G-O-N-S! That should sum everything up, really. Still, there are mythological creatures here that fascinate you as much as the most powerful and gorgeous creature ever, and Thea Harrison does a fantastic job with them all. Every character is well developed and calls to you to the point where you want to jump in the book and make out live the adventure with them.
I heard talking about the sex in this book a lot, but I honestly wasn’t expecting such a glorious one. Wow, just WOW! There are scenes that completely rapture you and you can’t get enough of because they’re described with such intensity and passion that, seriously, how can you not be into them? Just like you have to be into Dragos. He’s absolutely amazing and, even with episodes of great tenderness, I love the fact that he keeps his attitude no matter the circumstances or, well, mate. Speaking of, despite the clues, I couldn’t figure out what Wyr Pia was and here I am totally applauding the author.
The whole story with the Elder Races and the Fae faction one against another for political reasons is very well plotted, it sure makes the read even more interesting. I truly loved everything of this book and you should prepare yourself not just to sweat, but to have a big time with lots and lots of laughs, too. So, do yourself a favour and start this terrific series now!
Ooh!!! I'm definitely going to check this out right now and add it to my list! Thanks off bringing it to my attention! Intense & passionate sex? You know me so well!! ;0)
Haha, perhaps I should mention the sex is also heavy and boy-how-magnificent as well. There, I think I hit the mark pretty well, indeed! 😉
Well you certainly did!! And guess what… It was already on my TBR list! It's gotten do long I dunno what's going on! Lol
Lol I gave you the perfect excuse to finally grab it from your list, then! 🙂
This book has been a revelation for me and I strongly recommend it! Plus, Thea Harrison's writing style is great and, well, how can we remain indifferent to DRAGONS, right Melissa!? 😉
Oooo, this is an author I want to try. And DRAGONS!!! I do need this. lol. Thank you!