Esperance by Heather Frost

Posted October 26, 2022 by Silvia in Books / 15 Comments

I received a free copy of this book from Author for an honest review.
This does not affect in any way my opinion of the book nor the content of my review.

Esperance by Heather FrostEsperance by Heather Frost
Series: Esperance Trilogy #1
Published by Self-published on November 18, 2022
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult
Source: Author
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Amryn has many reasons to hate the empire. Her latest is her forced marriage to General Carver Vincetti, better known as the Butcher. If he learns even one of her secrets, he will kill her. And Amryn has many secrets. Not only is she an empath with forbidden magic, she's also a newly recruited rebel intent on destroying the empire—starting at Esperance.
Carver knows the rebels have infiltrated the remote temple of Esperance. His job is to hunt them down before they can wreck the emperor’s new peace. Despite the demons that haunt him, Carver is intent on his mission—but he’s not prepared for Amryn. From her fiery red hair to her surprising wit, his new wife has captured his attention. The attraction that flares between them is undeniable. Now he just has to determine if she’s the enemy.
When the newly married couples become targets in a violent game, Esperance becomes more dangerous than anyone anticipated. Carver and Amryn are about to discover that no one is exactly who they appear to be—especially each other.

My love for the Fate of Eyrinthia series is no mystery, so it’s only normal that I would easily give in to a brand new trilogy by the author who already captured a piece of my heart, don’t you think? Spoiler alert: she did it again!

Esperance is quite the page-turner filled with suspense, a plot that thickens with every chapter, and the enemies-to-lovers formula treated with a proper slow-burn romance. It’s no easy task for an author to develop a thrilling story taking place in just one location, but Frost’s writing skills and brilliant mind make that possible. What’s more, she manages to create a mystery—with a political intrigue—that has you guessing and doubting everything and everyone. And while readers get real pleasure discovering things they may or may not have gotten right, they never know the characters who are going to surprise them the most—for better or worse.

An intriguing start of a promising trilogy that leaves no time to waste! Let Esperance lure you in and dare you to side with the lesser evil . . . If there’s one, that is.


About Silvia

Through her creativity and blogging, Silvia has met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. Her strong passion for reading and her fascination for different cultures and languages have led her to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see her? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

15 responses to “Esperance by Heather Frost

    • Thanks, I might be gifted, who knows? 🫢 I also truly love when there are secrets to discover, and I’m sure this could be one of those reads you would enjoy, Fran!

    • I’m glad, too! She has quite the great writing skills, and her stories always differ from one another, so it’s always good to see what she comes up with 😍

  1. Ooh this sounds fabulous. I love the empathic angle too- that’s always a plot point I like to see but we don’t get that very often.

    What a gorgeous cover too!

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