Have a warm and safe Christmas everyone

Posted December 23, 2020 by Silvia in What's New / 7 Comments

Hey everyone,

What a hell of a ride 2020 has been, huh?

Some of you already know I moved back to Italy this past August and, let me tell you, it wasn’t easy . . . The move went well—although not without its difficulties—and I’m home with my family, which of course is nice, but I left a big part of my heart in England and it truly, deeply hurts . . . Re-adjusting takes more time than one may think, especially if you feel like part of yourself is missing, but I’m doing a bit at a time and facing things as they come. And they do come . . . Health issues, losses, dear ones in hospital, life sure got in the way. Still, gotta keep fighting and smiling through this difficult time, right? I’m doing just that while also virtually hugging each of you amazing readers of my blog! *hugs*

Now, with the holidays here, Darkest Sins and I are taking a little break. In Italy, Christmas holidays last longer since we also celebrate Befana (January 6th), which means I’ll start posting again the week after that. Meanwhile, I really hope you can all have a lovely Christmas—despite the restrictions—and I truly hope next year is gonna bring us all the joy we need and deserve.

Stay safe, and thanks for the love and support!

Merry Christmas from Darkest Sins


About Silvia

Through her creativity and blogging, Silvia has met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. Her strong passion for reading and her fascination for different cultures and languages have led her to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see her? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

7 responses to “Have a warm and safe Christmas everyone

  1. Moving like that’s gotta be tough, no doubt. I wish you a happy and wondrous holiday season and lots of relxing and fun over the holiday break. Merry Christmas and enjoy your break!! 🙂

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