Out of the Bright by Jules Hedger

Posted March 24, 2015 by Silvia in Books / 9 Comments

I received a free copy of this book from Author for an honest review.
This does not affect in any way my opinion of the book nor the content of my review.

Out of the Bright by Jules HedgerOut of the Bright by Jules Hedger
Series: Reign and Ruin #2
Published by Self-published on March 23, 2015
Genres: New Adult, Fantasy
Source: Author
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Cirrus wears the crown. Nightmares are behaving strangely. And in the hidden corners of the Middle Canvas there are secrets far more dangerous than demons. Gun. Politics. The Riders.
Maggie is the Daughter of Palet—weapon of the rebellion—but the Reign Walk is not easily forgotten. When given the opportunity to join the fight, she throws herself where even Lucan isn’t able to follow.
She is back. She has returned. And Cirrus knows he can never let her out of his sight again. But in the new household of the king, whispers spread like spark over tinder. Is Maggie a spy or a lover? Or can she be both and still accept his darkness, his dreams and his soul?

The Reign Walk is over and—although it didn’t go as expected for our heroine—Maggie is with the Riders, so how could things possibly get worse? One thing the world of Palet taught us is that safety is overrated and nightmares are always on the horizon . . .

It’s never only black or white in Palet, there’s not a simple way to discern between good and bad, and you may very well struggle to just love or hate a character. It’s with this inner battle that you keep turning page after page, and it’s with passion and excitement that you ask yourself: who the bloody hell is the real villain? I dare you to stick with one answer through the end. Same challenge applies to the beautiful duo: the King or the Rebel? I know the majority is with Lucan, but I believe this instalment gives the readers the chance to see Cirrus under a different light—oh boy!—and perhaps helps Maggie to clear some of her own doubts . . . Can she do that before the mission she’s on goes too far?

Darker than the first instalment, this book makes for a wonderful read also thanks to Jules Hedger’s writing, which is kind of poetic and quite unique. I’m in love with the fantasy world she has created, the characters she has portrayed and the mystery and unexpected turn of events you can be sure to find every time. After the last chapter, I can barely stand to know what’s next!


About Silvia

Through her creativity and blogging, Silvia has met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. Her strong passion for reading and her fascination for different cultures and languages have led her to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see her? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

9 responses to “Out of the Bright by Jules Hedger

  1. Melliane

    Oh it's great that the sequel is that good and I love the fact that it's darker. thanks for the review!

  2. Noooo, Lucan </3 I love that guy. *sniff* But okay, I might also have a thing for Cirrus so I'm not totally opposed to the idea. I'm very excited to start reading this book, and even more now by knowing your thoughts about it! Your review almost gave me chills *brrr*. It's awesome. 😉

  3. Don't get me wrong, I do like Lucan, but Cirrus has been in my heart from day one and I can't help but be at his side. I can't wait for you to start the read, Melissa, you'll see how much every character has grown and the dark path everything has taken. It's just great!

  4. I haven't heard of this series but it looks like I should check it out! The world and characters sound great, and I love the "not everything is just black and white" aspect, it makes for an interesting plot! Glad you enjoyed this one!

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