Pure by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Posted March 3, 2012 by Silvia in Books / 9 Comments

I received a free copy of this book from Publisher for an honest review.
This does not affect in any way my opinion of the book nor the content of my review.

Pure by Jennifer L. ArmentroutPure by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Series: Covenant #2
Published by Spencer Hill Press on April 3, 2012
Genres: YA, Fantasy
Source: Publisher
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There is need. And then there is Fate . . .
Being destined to become some kind of supernatural electrical outlet isn’t exactly awesome—especially when Alexandria’s "other half" is everywhere she goes. Seth’s in her training room, outside her classes, and keeps showing up in her bedroom—so not cool. Their connection does have some benefits, like staving off her nightmares of the tragic showdown with her mother, but it has no effect on what Alex feels for the forbidden, pure-blooded Aiden. Or what he will do—and sacrifice—for her. When daimons infiltrate the Covenants and attack students, the gods send furies—lesser gods determined to eradicate any threat to the Covenants and to the gods, and that includes the Apollyon . . . and Alex. And if that and hordes of aether-sucking monsters didn’t blow bad enough, a mysterious threat seems willing to do anything to neutralize Seth, even if that means forcing Alex into servitude . . . or killing her. When the gods are involved, some decisions can never, ever be undone.

When I finished Pure all I said was: Un-freaking-believable! One, you can’t imagine any event that happens here and, trust me, they all get you on a very emotional level. Two, the author made clearly difficult to root for a specific team . . .

I’ve always been an Aiden girl and in the first instalment I couldn’t stand Seth very much, in fact, to be completely honest I almost hated him . . . Then Spencer Hill Press sent me the ARC of Pure and it was the beginning of a big, huge battle with myself . . . Believe me when I say that my heart never left Aiden for a minute, but gosh if my body responded to Seth every second! Mix a constant flirting and a strong sensuality together and you can see a third of what I saw in Seth. I can’t stop having chills because of him, especially thanks to all the OMG-do-you-want-to-kill-me-with-those-scenes!? Dear Jennifer Armentrout, how dare you letting me dream of Seth like this? *sigh* Anyway, my love for Aiden is always there and the fact that I giggle like an idiot just at the thought of him it’s a strong proof of how much power this amazing character has on me and yes, I would dare to say on all of you as well, girls!

The whole book is captivating, funny, sensual, full of action and emotional. I fell in love with Half-Blood and with this second instalment I totally felt Pure passion!


About Silvia

Through her creativity and blogging, Silvia has met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. Her strong passion for reading and her fascination for different cultures and languages have led her to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see her? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

9 responses to “Pure by Jennifer L. Armentrout

    • Thanks Kayleigh!
      I loved our tweets about the book, they were Pure awesomeness! ;D

      I'm gonna read the review + interview right away, thanks for sharing the link.

  1. Your review just made me want this book even more! But… Seth? D: really? Everyone's saying he'll rule Pure, but my love is for Aiden *sigh*
    A month! Just a freaking-god-help-me month!! XD

    • Believe me when I say I'm completely in love with Aiden, but Seth here was surprisingly and undoubtedly stunning! *double sigh* You'll have proof of that in a month! 😉

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