Author: Gemma James

Torrent by Gemma James

Posted August 27, 2014 in Books
Torrent by Gemma James

Torrent is a dark book, not darker than the ones I’m used to, but it surely has to be classified as a dark romance. How else would you describe a book in which there are twisted (and I mean really twisted) characters/relationships? And if you’re a lover of the genre, you know this is the charm of such stories. I think we all—or at least most of us—agree that the […]

The Devil’s Salvation: Final Epilogue by Gemma James

Posted December 12, 2013 in Books
The Devil’s Salvation: Final Epilogue by Gemma James

I devoured the book in one sitting, and I couldn’t help but keep grinning afterwards. I loved every turn Gemma James came up with and I loved how she kept the dark as the main element of the story the whole time, from the very first book. Being able to dig deeper and find out what’s behind Gage’s cruelty just helped me like him even more. I’m a lost cause […]

Retribution by Gemma James

Posted May 6, 2013 in Books
Retribution by Gemma James

I’ll be damned, I would have never guessed! What Gemma James did with this last instalment in her beautiful trilogy was pure magic. She not only revealed something impossible to have ever imagined, she scared me with a fab plot twist and then surprised me with what I would define a very well thought, appropriate finale. See? Magic! I previously told I was for Gage all the way and I […]

Enslaved by Gemma James

Posted February 20, 2013 in Books
Enslaved by Gemma James

Wouldn’t Ian be the right choice? Probably the easiest, but in the Dark Erotica world is the Master who compels you the most, not who’s classified as boyfriend material. So, sorry Ian, as I see it Gage is the only possible winner here. There is still a lot to be revealed and we can’t completely understand the possessive Mr. Channing yet, but it all started making more sense and what […]