Genre: Fantasy

Royal Decoy by Heather Frost

Posted May 27, 2020 in Books
Royal Decoy by Heather Frost

You know what I love? Fantasy. You know what really thrills me? When a story like this one works its magic on me in a way I still feel its power after finishing it. I’m not even going to pretend my initial excitement for this book wasn’t all about the decoy. Guys, a decoy! What a refreshing theme, and what a great read. My enthusiasm considerably intensified when I was […]

The Wolf of Oren-Yaro by K.S. Villoso

Posted February 5, 2020 in Books
The Wolf of Oren-Yaro by K.S. Villoso

I knew I needed to read this book the moment my eyes landed on: They call me the Bitch Queen, the she-wolf, because I murdered a man and exiled my king the night before they crowned me. And, boy, wasn’t my instinct right again? Politics, secrets, complex characters you question as much as their motives, and a very adventurous journey make this a riveting book. The pace works like magic, […]

Sword of Destiny by Andrzej Sapkowski

Posted December 18, 2019 in Books
Sword of Destiny by Andrzej Sapkowski

Following the adventures of the previous short stories collection, The Last Wish, this anthology is not just another great read, but an essential one. Why, you ask? Because we are introduced to some of the most amazing (main) characters in the fantastical world Sapkowski has created, and we get a real glimpse of how destiny plays in this powerful universe . . . Six stories to immerse yourself into, where […]

The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski

Posted October 9, 2019 in Books
The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski

I’ve been introduced to The Witcher‘s world about a year ago, when I played The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for the first time—which is inspired by the books, not the other way around. I can’t tell you how many times I played it since then, and I’m not ashamed to say that I got emotional when my bestie surprised me by gifting me the the entire saga! This first volume […]