Genre: Horror

A School Frozen in Time, Volume 1 by Mizuki Tsujimura & Naoshi Arakawa

Posted April 14, 2021 in Manga & Graphic Novels
A School Frozen in Time, Volume 1 by Mizuki Tsujimura & Naoshi Arakawa

Imagine a group of teens stuck in school—at a specific time—suddenly not remembering the former classmate who took their own life. Could the departed student be among them? And if so, what is their purpose, and why now after three months from that tragic day? With a premise like that, a thrilling read seems to be assured, and I can say it really didn’t disappoint! A School Frozen in Time touches […]

Tales of the Mist by Laura Suárez

Posted January 20, 2021 in Manga & Graphic Novels
Tales of the Mist by Laura Suárez

Set in a small village in Galicia, Spain, during the 30s, this is a collection of short tales of mist and ghosts the author’s grandmother used to tell her while sitting by the kitchen firewood. When we read—or are told—about folklore and superstitions, it’s easy to get enraptured. Then, if they are of the dark genre, it’s impossible not to get the creepy vibes that are assured to put us […]

Ultraviolet by Jessica Sorensen

Posted October 20, 2016 in Books
Ultraviolet by Jessica Sorensen

I’m not knew to Jessica Sorensen, but so far I’ve stuck with her contemporary romances and I wanted to see if her fantasy stories would work for me as well, especially since—as some of you are aware of—I love that genre a lot. Ultraviolet was the ‘chosen one’, a book—in what appears to be a serial—I devoured and loved from beginning to end. Wait, there is no end here. In […]