Genre: Paranormal Romance

The King by J.R. Ward

Posted April 23, 2014 in Books
The King by J.R. Ward

I don’t have problems reading multiple POVs, and I’m certainly used to the ones in the BDB series, but this time I have to say that they have given me a bit of a rough time. It’s not because I couldn’t keep up with them all, it’s because I was pushed in the middle of many plots and all of a sudden left to wonder . . . a bit […]

Lord of the Vampires by Gena Showalter

Posted March 11, 2014 in Books
Lord of the Vampires by Gena Showalter

I’d never read anything by Gena Showalter before but, since I’ve always heard great things about her titles, I was sure this book would have amazed me. That was a very wrong guess from my part. I shouldn’t have had high expectations in the first place, I would have avoided the disappointment . . . maybe. At first, I thought it was going to be an exciting read. I was […]

Heart of the Warrior by Donya Lynne

Posted February 5, 2014 in Books
Heart of the Warrior by Donya Lynne

Heart of the Warrior was a very intense read. The way it’s written really involves you emotionally and when things seem to go wrong, it can only mean a reader’s heartbreak is on its way . . . I must admit that I felt more connected with Sev, his struggling and suffering was stronger than Ari’s, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t have a hard time of his own, of […]

Caged Warrior by Lindsey Piper

Posted January 30, 2014 in Books
Caged Warrior by Lindsey Piper

Caged Warrior was a surprising read, especially because of its unique supernatural race, the Dragon Kings. They aren’t shifters but they have special gifts that differ among five clans. Now, how would this sound to you in a sort of Spartacus scenario? Gladiators, guys, Dragons oh-my-hotness gladiators. I think I made my point, didn’t I? I had a clear picture in my mind thanks to the descriptions given from the […]