Genre: Paranormal Romance

Dark Witch by Nora Roberts

Posted October 1, 2014 in Books
Dark Witch by Nora Roberts

I still had to read something by Nora Roberts so, as soon as I was presented the chance to review this title, I didn’t hesitate to grab it! And, let me tell you, magic and beautiful settings make this a Trilogy to try. The first two chapters drew me into the book so much that it was like being part of the story. How can you be impassible to an […]

First Drop of Crimson by Jeaniene Frost

Posted September 3, 2014 in Books
First Drop of Crimson by Jeaniene Frost

This was the first time I’ve read something by Jeaniene Frost (finally!) and I wasn’t disappointed at all. I found the writing fluid and captivating, so much that it was practically impossible for me not to enjoy this book. The plot is intriguing and everything is fast-paced. I may not have been too involved in the relationship between the main characters at first, but then something clicked and suddenly I […]

Crimson Beat by Elle J Rossi

Posted July 7, 2014 in Books
Crimson Beat by Elle J Rossi

Another novella in The Josie Hawk Chronicles that didn’t disappoint! Everything is under Josie’s point of view this time and, I must say, I appreciated not having more of the POV jumps from third to first person of the previous novella. I didn’t get distracted and devoured the read in just a sitting. Perhaps we don’t get to see much of Keller, but what we see—and hear him saying—is definitely […]

Alabaster Nights by Elle J Rossi

Posted May 15, 2014 in Books
Alabaster Nights by Elle J Rossi

Alabaster Nights is a novella that introduces the reader to The Josie Hawk Chronicles. It reveals how Keller and Josie met or, better yet, how they ‘accidentally’ found their mate in each other. At least Keller seems to be pretty sure about that, Josie has quite an attitude and making light over the whole ‘are you really my mate?’ reveals to be a tricky challenge for our hero . . […]