Genre: Sci-fi

Nighttime for Just Us Two, Volume 1 by Maki Miyoshi

Posted April 20, 2022 in Manga & Graphic Novels
Nighttime for Just Us Two, Volume 1 by Maki Miyoshi

Imagine a girl whose name no one—other than the most popular guy in school—remembers. Now, wouldn’t it be even more peculiar if the only guy knowing her name had a sudden—out of this world—change in his personality that only said girl notices? With quite an intriguing premise and a cute artwork, Nighttime for Just Us Two warms your heart from the very beginning. It’s impossible not to feel for both […]

Nightchaser by Amanda Bouchet

Posted November 20, 2019 in Books
Nightchaser by Amanda Bouchet

I prefer watching sci-fi than reading it, but when my best friend points a title that she is sure I would totally enjoy, I pick it up without hesitation. The result? A (galactic) blast! With Firefly vibes and a very intriguing plot, you really can’t go wrong, can you? Add to this a rebel, kick-ass heroine and a cocky, roguish hero—crush over character, checked!—and you know you have an explosive […]

Elemental by Emily White

Posted April 29, 2012 in Books
Elemental by Emily White

I’m not a science fiction fan, it’s simply a genre I don’t particularly love to read. However, Elemental really caught my attention and, Sci-Fi or not, I knew I needed to read it. The first part is what I really liked the most! Ella’s fear, her weakness, and her feeling uncomfortable were almost palpable and I felt terribly sad for her, so I sort of got an instant connection. These […]