Series: Dark and Otherworldly

The Cruelest Curse by Kristen Brand

Posted November 25, 2020 in Books
The Cruelest Curse by Kristen Brand

This final instalment in the Dark & Otherworldly trilogy truly got my heart racing the whole time. Actually, I can still feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins, and I absolutely love it! With a powerful world-building and kick-ass characters, Brand skilfully enchants her readers to take a perilous journey . . . Beware, keep your eyes open at all times and don’t let anyone/anything fool you, or things will […]

Sting of Thorns by Kristen Brand

Posted October 7, 2020 in Books
Sting of Thorns by Kristen Brand

My, my, Kristen Brand, you sure know how to spice things up, and make readers fall in love with Dredarion the magical world you created. If I really liked the first instalment, I truly loved this second book! Action-packed, Sting of Thorns follows the suspenseful ending of Poison and Honey, and drags you into an even more dangerous situation without wasting time. Things get intense fast, with threatening enemies ready […]

Poison and Honey by Kristen Brand

Posted June 10, 2020 in Books
Poison and Honey by Kristen Brand

Magic comes in many forms, sometimes you’re lucky and it’s a dark heir to the throne. Wait . . . Poison and Honey is a fast read that piques the reader’s curiosity with some enchanting—yet dangerous and scary—creatures, and two main characters on different missions. Which one would you side with? You might think the answer is easy, but it actually becomes a bit of a dilemma when you start […]