Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

Posted June 2, 2011 by Silvia in Books / 8 Comments

Starcrossed by Josephine AngeliniStarcrossed by Josephine Angelini
Series: Starcrossed #1
Published by Macmillan Children's Books on May 31, 2011
Genres: YA, Paranormal
Source: Purchased
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Destiny brought them together.
The gods will keep them apart.

When shy, awkward Helen Hamilton meets Lucas Delos for the first time, she thinks two things: the first, that he is the most ridiculously beautiful boy she has seen in her life; the second, that she wants to kill him with her bare hands. An ancient curse means Lucas and Helen are destined to loathe one another. But sometimes love is stronger than hate, and not even the gods themselves can prevent what will happen next . . .

I did a Classic High School so, I studied Greek for 5 years and Greek Mythology was my favourite subject. I can affirm that the author has done the subject a good justice! She took some myths and rebuilt a world around them so fascinating and unique that left me breathtaking all the time!

I found myself captured by the plot from the beginning. It’s fast, full of action and one of the best thing is that there aren’t many long, annoying descriptions, but everything is explained through dialogues that sometimes make you even laugh a lot, but the anxiety is always in the air . . . Don’t get this in the wrong way, it’s a very good thing because I was emotionally involved, so much that in many parts I feel heartthrob . . . And that’s a sign of a well written book.

Every character has its charm, but personally I found in Hector something I couldn’t find in anyone . . . I’m not saying that he’s the type of guy “Ok, here we go with a triangle-love-story”, but his relating to Helen didn’t leave me indifferent . . . There’s definitely a development in every chapter and a growing relationship between the two of them, where respect plays a main role. I like him, a lot!

Probably the only aspect I liked less is that there are some parts in which I thought some characters took some things too easily . . . But then there’s the positive element of sex. Nothing that a young reader couldn’t read, don’t worry, but it was extremely enjoyable to find a sexual atmosphere so positive in a YA for once! A very good change because the characters are more sincere about what they really want, don’t have any problems to admit it and that’s why they appear more realistic to me.

It was an awesome debut and I definitely can’t wait to read more about this intriguing story!

Did you know “Starcrossed” has its own theme song!? I heard it before reading the book and I LOVED it! I had it in my mind for the whole time I was reading the book, it’s absolutely perfect! So, I feel like it’s my duty to share the video, it deserves to be watched, and the song is just beautiful . . . Enjoy and don’t forget to read the book 😉


About Silvia

Through her creativity and blogging, Silvia has met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. Her strong passion for reading and her fascination for different cultures and languages have led her to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see her? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

8 responses to “Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

  1. Whoa! Where did you find this cover???? I love it! And now after your great review, I have yet another great YA to check out 🙂 I hope it gets my heart throbbing just like it did yours.
    Ninja Girl

  2. It's the UK cover. Cool, huh!? 😉
    Thanks for the compliment about my review! And I'm so happy you decided to read it! 🙂 This book is definitely something different from the other YA and I really hope it will give you the same emotions that it gave to me!!

  3. The pleasure to have read a charming book like yours is mine! You really did an amazing job and I can't wait to read more!!
    Thanks for stopping by, Josephine it means a lot to me! <3

  4. Anonymous

    That's so cool that this book has it's own theme song, I had no idea. I can't wait to read it, it's on my must read list. Is this the UK cover or something?

  5. Thats pretty awesome! I mean how many books have their own theme songs?? What myth are they incorporating in this story though? Helen as in Helen of Troy?? Love the cover!

  6. Exactly, it's unique!
    There are a few myths in this book and of course Helen of Troy is one of them, but you don't have to see this like "oh, I'm gonna read the myth of Helen of Troy in a modern key" because it's more than that… I'm not gonna say much because I don't wanna ruin the surprise to anyone but I can tell you that if you are a Greek Mythology fan you'll love this book! 😉

    Thanks for following my blog, Natalie! 🙂

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