The Garnet Dagger by Andrea R. Cooper

Posted December 19, 2013 by Silvia in Books / 5 Comments

I received a free copy of this book from Author for an honest review.
This does not affect in any way my opinion of the book nor the content of my review.

The Garnet Dagger by Andrea R. CooperThe Garnet Dagger by Andrea R. Cooper
Series: Legends of Oblivion #1
Published by Crimson Romance on March 25, 2013
Genres: Fantasy
Source: Author
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Forbidden to cross the Elvin barrier into human lands, Brock cannot sate his curiosity. Cursed by a vampyre bite that forces him to feed on the life-essence of others, he is unable to touch another without taking their life. Chained by prophesy, he must find a witch, pierce her heart, and draw her blood for his cure.
Celeste must escape the monks who have held her prisoner for years. Her magic has been kept dormant by her captors. An ancient powerful Warloc craves her powers. If he succeeds in devouring her magic, she and the world will die.
When Brock falls in love with Celeste before realizing her demise is his cure, will love triumph over his desire to be healed? Will he risk everything to save her from a Warloc, an oath breaker, who also wants her dead?

This book projects you into a fantasy world where myths come to life and sometimes they surprise even the creatures living in it. A pleasant read that totally drew me into the story until I reached half way, when suddenly my read slowed down . . . Lots of things kept happening, but I felt like the jump between a scene and another was going too fast and sometimes I got lost, especially among dialogues. Maybe it’s because of it that I couldn’t quite relate to the main characters and couldn’t be caught by Brock’s feelings and his inner fight to not fall for Celeste. What I really found catchy, instead, was the idea/game he came up with during his journey to find the witch he had to kill. It made all sound more like the whole story was an old myth being told and I just loved that.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read with an interesting vision of a few mythical creatures who certainly never stop charming readers of the fantasy genre and, of course, challenging you with their adventurous tasks.


About Silvia

Through her creativity and blogging, Silvia has met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. Her strong passion for reading and her fascination for different cultures and languages have led her to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see her? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

5 responses to “The Garnet Dagger by Andrea R. Cooper

  1. Oh that's too bad that The Garnet Dagger wasn't able to captivate you from start to finish! I love books that deal with myths and mythology, but I prefer to be completely immersed in the world throughout the whole story!

    Great review, Silvia 🙂

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  2. I think that's what we all like/prefer the most and, I must say, it could have worked here, too. From my point of view, it just needed a bit more work on the pacing, especially to help me feel more involved with both main characters. But the myths were very interesting and I enjoyed it! 🙂

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