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This does not affect in any way my opinion of the book nor the content of my review.

Series: The Evolutionary War #2
Published by Self-published on October 1, 2012
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Author
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The tale of the Evolutionary War resumes in Væmpires: Zombie Rising.
Væmpires have taken control of twelve major cities. Their leader, Vielyn, seeks the atomic weapons that will bring the rest of the world to its knees.
Vampire forces are reeling. As Linq and Ray race to the royal estate to rendezvous with Cassandra and Daniel, the princess is captured and Daniel falls.
With the fate of world shifting to their teenage shoulders, Linq and Ray must deal with tremendous losses while battling a most unexpected—and undeadly—new foe.
When the author told me the book was finished, I was quivering with excitement, because that’s how much Thomas Winship is good at writing and how amazing his series is. I started reading the book as soon as I received it, and running out of pages in a matter of hours! Now I just need to be patient and wait for the next instalment . . . What? I-am-dying-here!
This book is different from the first one and the prelude, it’s mostly focused on two characters we previously met, Linq and Ray, and I couldn’t have been happier to know more about them. Their emotions and thoughts were so well elaborated and described that I could actually feel like they were real. But, I must say, I had a special connection with Linq and I even cried at some point (yes, Winship, I cried). How could I have controlled it when something so strongly emotional was on its way? But I loved it! I honestly loved every minute spent with those guys.
I don’t know how Thomas Winship managed to make me read about zombies and like them, but I’m terribly grateful. Instead of being disgusted by those creatures, I always find myself passionately excited to start a new Vaempires adventure, and I’m ready for the next one!
What an amazing review (by an amazing person)! Thank you so much, Silvia.