ZenPop Snack Unboxing: Sakura Treats

Posted March 22, 2023 by Silvia in Subscription Boxes / 12 Comments

As part of my partnership with ZenPop, I receive free boxes of Japanese goodies to review, providing an honest opinion on each product. ありがとう ♡

It must be spring, because ZenPop delivered peachy Sakura Treats!

If you are like me, you’re not indifferent to the beauty of cherry blossoms and the joy they always bring as soon as they bloom . . . And what a truly happy time I had with 19 goodies related to this very theme! I’m about to share this exquisite experience with all of you but, keep it down, after all those treats Luna fell asleep under the sakura tree, so we must keep eating talking quietly.

Ready? Ok, sakura are upon us, and so are some blooming snacks . . .


Nissin Men Syokunin Syoyu     Nissin Men Syokunin Syoyu

What better way to start greeting this season than with a lovely, colourful cup of ramen? Topped with crispy bamboo shoots, savoury seaweed, green onions, and kawaii flower-shaped kamaboko, this Nissin Men Craftsman Soy Sauce’s (日清麺職人 醤 油) New Gochiso Non-Fried Noodles sure looks pretty, but you should know that it’s also pretty tasty. The soy sauce soup that tastes of whole chicken and the nutty flavour of the noodles together with the aroma of wheat create a combination that is a pure joy to eat! At some point, I even started imagining those cups of noodles blooming like sakura all around . . . Oh my, Nissin, what did you do?


Gokuri Funwari Peach     Gokuri Funwari Peach

You know when you feel hydrated and you feel the need to drink water, but it doesn’t seem to satisfy your thirst completely? Well, try this Gokuri Funwari Peach drink and tell me if you don’t feel recharged and at peace with the world! Just remember to chill it in the fridge before drinking it to allow your senses to have a truly refreshing experience. Also, the aftertaste is something that cannot be described and will stay with you for a while . . . You may start to see peaches growing on every tree around you, but this is much more plausible than noodles, so don’t freak out, you haven’t gone completely mad (yet)!


Kit Kat Mini Momo     Kit Kat Mini Momo

They had me at Kit Kat! Truly, it doesn’t take much to convince me to try a new flavour when it comes to this snack, so imagine when they sent me a full bag of mini Kit Kats. What a peachy thing to do, guys! They probably won’t last long, but if you’re lucky and stop by while I still have them, please, ‘have a break, have a peach-flavoured Kit Kat!’


Ace Coin Matcha Aji     Ace Coin Matcha Aji

Retro-looking biscuits? Sign me up! These matcha-flavoured, coin-shaped treats are painted with a woodblock print that makes them quite an interesting snack to look at as well as try. They also come with a curiosity about why they have a hole in them . . . Back in the day, people didn’t have purses, so they kept all their coins in a string tied to their clothes. Now, don’t you feel like trying it with these treats? Or not because, you know, we’re fiiiine (darn it, Nissin!).


V Nagewa Jibun Ni Syori Shio-Aji     V Nagewa Jibun Ni Syori Shio-Aji

A snack designed especially for students who are in a very stressful period—such as those in Japan facing exam season this month—but also for those who work hard. They come in two flavours, salt or curry, and I got the former. They are crispy but not too salty, and they are definitely a nice snack to have during a break or while still studying, because they can give you the right boost to keep going. Also, kudos to the V for Victory that makes you feel like you’re doing great even when you are just having fun putting the chips on your fingers. (I said I’m fine, guys!)


Sakura Warabi Mochi     Sakura Warabi Mochi

Have you ever seen a warabi mochi (わらび餅) with a lovely sakura flower floating inside? As soon as I opened the package I thought it was beautiful! Released to celebrate the arrival of spring, this treat is a feast for the eyes, but also a nice thing to try. It almost melts in your mouth, and if you add the cherry blossom syrup you are given with it, you get a rather sweet taste. A lovely treat that can be enjoyed alone or given as a gift to someone special, either way it leaves its mark.


Caramel Corn     Caramel Corn

If Tohato’s Caramel Corn (キャラ メルコーン) is a classic treat in Japan, it should become one here too, possibly everywhere! Honestly, it’s soooo good!! Tasting it feels like going to the cinema and hoping the movie will last a long time . . . Nothing can go wrong with the soft, crunchy caramel corn puffs that melt in your mouth, it’s just very sad when the movie ends you run out of them.


Sucorn Yamitsuki BBQ     Sucorn Yamitsuki BBQ

You think a snack can’t get any better? Think again! Meet some of the most delicious chips you could ever hope to taste, made so not by a regular BBQ flavour but by Yamitsuki (やみつ き), which means ‘addictive’. I don’t even have the words to describe how delicious they are, the only word that comes to mind is, indeed, Yamitsuki! Try them and tell me how many seconds it took you to fall in love . . .


Puré Gummy     Puré Gummy

A popular product in Japan, Puré Gummy are unique treats that I couldn’t help but truly love. Out of the two flavours available, grapes or lemon, I got the latter and I count myself particularly lucky because I’m a big lemon lover! If you’re one too, then you won’t be disappointed because as soon as you taste it, you’ll feel the strong lemon flavour and freshness in your mouth. No, I haven’t started seeing lemons everywhere yet, but I don’t rule out that it might happen after I get over the craving for noodles and peaches . . .


Noir Soft Cookie     Noir Soft Cookie

Who wants a cookie? I’ll give you a soft, bittersweet cocoa one filled with vanilla cream inside that you should eat away from the children. Unless you want them to snatch it out of your hands, that is. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!


Ramune Hi-Chew     Ramune Hi-Chew

One of Japan’s most iconic and recognizable sweets, Ramune (ラムネ) is a soft and chewy candy that personally took me back to the days when I used to have a lot of this kind of candy. I truly enjoyed the memories along with the colours and the shuwa ramune flavour of the candy. The excitement is real!


Tokukoi Milk 8.2 Chocolate     Tokukoi Milk 8.2 Chocolate

Possibly the cutest candies wrappers I have ever seen, thanks to the cards with the original messages from King & Prince Takahashi Kaito (キン グ&プリンス橋海人) on them. Don’t they make you want to write a love note? Do it while savouring the delicate and tasty milk chocolate candy, filled with a chocolate cream that is a really nice treat!


Sawayaka Hakuto Pie     Sawayaka Hakuto Pie

I particularly appreciate the care producers take with peaches in Japan, because their quality is truly top notch. Take this bite-size, flower-shaped pie, the jam is made from domestic peaches and both its sweetness and sourness is a real treat for the palate. I’d say this is a real jam!


Country MA'AM     Country MA'AM

Chocolate chip cookies that are crispy on the outside and moist on the inside. I think I’ve said it all but, just in case, imagine warming them to the right temperature before taking a bite . . . Aaaand sold!


Elise Strawberry     Elise Strawberry

Anyone who fancies western-style wafers, strawberry-flavoured wafers, this is the treat you’ve been looking for. Crunchy and tasty, you can’t not enjoy a strawberry snack, but you can’t have just one either . . . Good thing these come in two!!


Minna Daisuki Stick Jelly

A little stick of konjac jelly and 20% apple juice that you finish before you know it. Still, one should never underestimate the pleasure that comes from the little things in life! Also, don’t you think the animals on the packaging are a nice touch?


Kuma No Pu-san Strawberry Choco Marshmallow     Kuma No Pu-san Strawberry Choco Marshmallow

Look at Winnie the Pooh, known as Kuma no Pu-san (くまのプーさん) in Japan, and tell me you don’t want him. Unfortunately, they can’t give you the adorable teddy bear, but they can somehow make up for it by making him deliver a soft marshmallow with a strawberry surprise inside . . . It’s still not the teddy bear, I know, but trust me when I say it’s a nice and fluffy consolation prize!


Aka Be-Gummy     Aka Be-Gummy

This candy is known as the candy witch, Aka-be (赤ベー), and as the witch it is, this gum turns your tongue red when you chew it. I won’t lie, I would have been disappointed if it didn’t—I like to keep the kid in me alive—and the fact it was bubbly just gave it an extra kick!


Sumikko Gurashi Gummy     Sumikko Gurashi Gummy

Are you familiar with the Japanese character series Sumikko Gurashi? Well, this chewing gum series features all the characters on the covers, and they are just so adorable! It makes you happy whatever character you get, and as you chew the gum your eyes may land on them and make you smile. And isn’t smiling the best thing?


Feel like celebrating the beauty (and deliciousness) of the sakura season?

Perfect, because ZenPop also has a special gift for you! If you subscribe to any of their boxes for more than 3 months, you’ll receive one of these matching gifts (shipped separately from the boxes):

  • Nanoblock Sakura Tree (3 months)
  • Starbucks Sakura Tumbler (6 months)
  • 10,000 JPY Gift Voucher on ZenMarket (12 months)

The current campaign is running until March 31st 23:59 (JST), don’t miss it!

Also, don’t forget that you can get a special $6 discount (valid for snack, ramen, and stationery boxes) on your first order by clicking the button below and using the promo code SIN at checkout!

Click here to get $6 off your first box
by using the code SIN at checkout 🤍


About Silvia

Through her creativity and blogging, Silvia has met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. Her strong passion for reading and her fascination for different cultures and languages have led her to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see her? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

12 responses to “ZenPop Snack Unboxing: Sakura Treats

  1. This box had a lot of really delicious snacks, didn’t it? I really like your close-ups, they really show the tastiness of these sakura treats, if that makes sense! 😅 To be honest with you, I’m still debating which one was my favourite… Although I can’t choose, they were all so yummy!!

    Readers of Darkest Sins, make sure you take advantage of this promo, these goodies are the cherry on top of a wonderful, delectable snack box!

    🌸 Fran 🌸 recently posted: 5 Korean Dramas Worth Watching
    • You know how much I love close-ups, and you totally understood what I was trying to do, Fran! *hehe* If it’s any consolation, I’m still debating which one is my favourite, too 😅 Personally, I think they did such a fantastic job with every single goodie this time around that it’s really hard to pick just one . . .

      Aww, you’re so sweet, Fran 💜

  2. I want that ramen cup sooo bad- it sounds delightful. I can almost smell the aroma! The peach drink sounds wonderful as well! The barbeque snacks… those chewy snacks as well take me to childhood. What a fabulous box. And sakura season is the best! 🙂

    • Honestly, you came to mind with that cup of ramen, Greg! It was soooo delicious, and the peach drink was really the cherry on top (although it was a ‘peach’ 🙃)! Generally, when there are so many things to taste you find at least one you don’t like, but I’m really happy to say that didn’t happen in this case. I recommend it, this is a box that definitely proves the sakura season truly is the best! 🌸

      • I can’t decide whether to go with the ramen box or a snack box. I keep changing my mind! I probably will do the snack box though at the outset- I just can’t resist trying all those! And maybe I’ll get lucky and there’ll be a ramen in there, like there was here. 🙂

        It looks so delicious too!!!

        • This Sakura-themed box is from this month, so you’re still in time if you want the same snacks I shared, and they’re all really delicious!! Also, know that a ramen is always included in every snack box, so you can never go wrong 😉

  3. Abbie

    All of the pictures are so cute💭The 桜わらび餅🌸was giving me a surprise💗I like it, it looks beautiful and I like the Japan snacks like わらび餅, もちもち食感✨And the Matcha-cookies, I would like to try them😋It looks fun!
    P.S. I personally think the chocolate chip cookies is so suitable for family or friends when they are get off work, because the packing of products have heartwarming sentence “お疲れ様です”, if I received it after I did the hard work, it will make my day💜

    • So happy you enjoyed the post and all the pictures, Abbie! 💖 The matcha cookies surprised me, I didn’t expect to like them so much, but they’re really good. I agree about the the chocolate chip cookies, if someone says “お疲れ様です” at the end of the day, you can’t help but feel good (especially if it’s a cookie telling you that 😉)!

  4. Veurshka

    Oh my, every time I see one of these reviews I come away from your blog with the worst case of the munchies — I want to try everything!

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