Category: Manga & Graphic Novels

Sweat and Soap, Volume 1 by Kintetsu Yamada

Posted September 1, 2021 in Manga & Graphic Novels
Sweat and Soap, Volume 1 by Kintetsu Yamada

Sometimes we find ourselves reading something really weird that we can either hate, or completely love. Sweat and Soap is exactly one of these reads, and I ended up ridiculously loving it! The absurdity of the situation grabs your attention and just won’t let go. What is the deal with Asako’s body odour? And why do I wanna smell her all of a sudden? Gotta blame Koutarou with his odd […]

Undead Girl Murder Farce, Volume 1 by Yugo Aosaki & Haruka Tomoyama

Posted June 9, 2021 in Manga & Graphic Novels
Undead Girl Murder Farce, Volume 1 by Yugo Aosaki & Haruka Tomoyama

As a reader who loves vampire stories, and enjoys mystery all around, this manga looked appealing right away. Boy, if my instinct was right! Just like the sharp intuitions of the peculiar detectives in here . . . Specialized in demon-related cases, Tsugaru Shinuchi and Aya Rindo are called to solve the murder of a wealthy lady vampire who was a human ally. Imagine a world where demons and humans […]

A School Frozen in Time, Volume 1 by Mizuki Tsujimura & Naoshi Arakawa

Posted April 14, 2021 in Manga & Graphic Novels
A School Frozen in Time, Volume 1 by Mizuki Tsujimura & Naoshi Arakawa

Imagine a group of teens stuck in school—at a specific time—suddenly not remembering the former classmate who took their own life. Could the departed student be among them? And if so, what is their purpose, and why now after three months from that tragic day? With a premise like that, a thrilling read seems to be assured, and I can say it really didn’t disappoint! A School Frozen in Time touches […]

Those Snow White Notes, Volume 1 by Marimo Ragawa

Posted March 31, 2021 in Manga & Graphic Novels
Those Snow White Notes, Volume 1 by Marimo Ragawa

In this manga, readers are dragged into the life of a sixteen years old striving for his dreams, and soon find that his goal isn’t something a modern generation would expect . . . Setsu Sawamura plays the shamisen, a three-stringed traditional Japanese instrument. Probably not so common these days, but sure fascinating. And if the info we get about this instrument during the read satisfies our curiosity, Setsu sparks […]