Crown & Serpent by Heather Frost | Blog Tour

Posted August 23, 2023 by Silvia in Books / 10 Comments

I received a free copy of this book from Author for an honest review.
This does not affect in any way my opinion of the book nor the content of my review.

Crown & Serpent by Heather Frost | Blog TourCrown & Seprent by Heather Frost
Series: Fate of Eyrinthia
Published by Self-published on August 25, 2023
Genres: Fantasy, YA
Source: Author
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Seventeen-year-old Iris Winn loves her quiet life with her father, studying the poisons that fascinate them both. But after his sudden death, Iris is now the ward of her estranged aunt and uncle. In order to claim her inheritance, she must live in the capital city of Lenzen for one year. While there, she must attend parties, balls, and participate in every other vapid thing the elite of Ryden value. Iris doesn’t care about learning their rules or joining their ranks–her only goal is to endure the next year. Then she meets Prince Henri Kaelin.
Every young woman in Lenzen wants Henri–except for Iris. Unfortunately, the prince only has eyes for her. The king has decreed that Henri must choose a bride before his birthday, and Iris is determined it won’t be her. Dodging a prince’s focused attention while placating her relatives and the rest of Ryden’s high society is exhausting–and more dangerous than Iris could have ever imagined. She is about to learn that not all games are innocent, and some smiles are more lethal than poison. Luckily, Iris is a quick study, and this is a game she is determined to win.
Crown & Serpent is a Fate of Eyrinthia prequel novella that’s actually the length of a novel. This villain origin story was released after Royal Rebel, but it can be read at any point in the series.

What if you end up rooting for a villainor twoand feel guilty for somehow betraying the hero you love? Forgive me, Grayson, your parents are the absolute worst, and yet their ‘Once Upon a Time’ made so much sense that I swooned over your father and sympathised with your mother. Thanks, Heather Frost, I may never recover . . .

In this prequel novella to the gripping Fate of Eyrinthia series, it is revealed how two of the most terrifying characters ever, Henri Kaelin and Iris Winn, met and how both of their pasts influenced what they became. Knowing the insane and evil people they are now and everything they have done and continue to do, it should be impossible to even think of sympathising with them. However, when one learns all that Iris has faced since her childhood and gets to know the people around her, it is hard for the reader not to feel something for her and, in the process, doubt their own sanity. Indeed, your mind is like a whirlwind of emotions so twisted that at some point you may no longer be able to distinguish who is good and who is really bad . . . I even wondered if I was the evil one, but not because of Henry’s stare, nor his grin, nor everything in between, no, that would be absurd . . . I need to learn how to make poisons help!

Frost has masterfully written a villain original story that offers food for thought and perfectly connects everything to the events of the main story, providing strong and contrasting emotions that will poison your mind . . .

Are you sure you really want Iris to fetch a husband?
I’m asking for the kingdoms of Eyrinthia a friend . . .


By the time Iris set foot in the richly decorated front hall, Anora was poking her head out of the sitting room, ready to scream again. Impatience lined her face. “There you are! Hurry up. I’ve brought Lady Griffin to take a look at you.”

Iris’s spine stiffened, but she followed her aunt into the sunlit room. Chairs and settees dominated the space, along with small tables and useless décor that only made the room look chaotic. Iris spied a stringed instrument in the corner, set out on a stand. She idly wondered if anyone even played the thing, or if it was yet another decoration. Her aunt seemed to favor a lot of useless things.

Lady Griffin sat on the edge of the settee, a small dog balanced in her lap. She petted the animal absently as her eyes raked over Iris from head to toe. The woman was probably a dozen years older than Anora, perhaps in her early fifties. She wore her graying blond hair in an elaborate twist and her dress was a deep emerald. The cuffs of her sleeves draped over her hands, and Iris couldn’t imagine why one would wear such a style—the unnecessary fabric would only be in the way.

“Turn, girl,” Lady Griffin demanded, flipping one hand demonstratively in the air.

Iris nearly refused, but she thought of her estate. She would only get it to herself if she capitulated. So, she twisted slowly. Her white skirt brushed against her legs, and her skin crawled. She knew both women were staring at her.

When she turned back to face Lady Griffin, the woman frowned. “Well, Anora, you did the right thing by summoning me promptly. There is plenty of work to do.” The woman’s dog gave a snappy little bark of agreement.

Iris regarded the dog coolly—then she eyed the woman. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

Lady Griffin lifted one eyebrow. “Why, you can’t expect to fetch a good husband looking like this.” She didn’t wait for Iris to respond, but turned to address Anora. “We must make an appointment with the dressmaker immediately. And her hair must be attended to—no more braids, that’s the thing peasants do. We may need to cut it as well, it’s a bit too long to be fashionable. Oh, and we must work on her posture, it’s abysmal. We have three weeks until the Summer Festival, which will be a good first society event for her. Then of course the Thatcher’s ball is the week after, and—”

“I don’t want to fetch a husband,” Iris interrupted.

The woman’s eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

Anora hurried to stand in front of her. “Iris, you agreed to do as I say. Preparing you for your entrance into society is something you’ll thank me for.” She indicated the woman on the settee. “Lady Griffin has graciously offered to help us. She had four daughters, and they all found powerful husbands. Her reputation for making matches is unparalleled.”

“I don’t want to make a match,” Iris reiterated.

Anora rolled her eyes. “As you’ve said. But the fact remains, we will be judged harshly if we don’t give you every opportunity. Anything less than perfection here could damage Lillin’s chances for a good match. So please, don’t be selfish.”

It was a laughable reprimand, coming from Anora.

Iris thought of her beloved home, took a breath, and released it. “I will not cut my hair.”

Her aunt frowned, but Lady Griffin waved a hand. “That’s a smaller issue, so I’m willing to overlook it. But what are you wearing?”

Iris glanced down at her dress. It was simple, but fit well and was in good repair. “I’m wearing a dress.”

“It has no color.” Lady Griffin shook her head, still petting the dog who all but leered at Iris. “You must wear bright colors, Iris. Blue, pink, green, and red.”

Iris’s head suddenly throbbed. Nausea swirled in her gut. Scarlet hands . . . “No red,” she said, her voice a little thin.

“Very well,” Lady Griffin said, not even looking at her. “Anora, I can give her lessons in etiquette, but I’d like to assess her first over dinner.”

“Of course,” Anora said. “Would you like to join us tonight?”

Satisfaction sparked in the woman’s eyes as she petted her small dog, along with a hungry edge of greed. Did Anora not see that? Or was she simply ignoring it? “Yes, please,” Lady Griffin said. “I may need to attend several dinners, you understand, so I can make a better judgement of her progress.”

“Naturally,” Anora said affably. “Now, who do you think we should enlist for her dance lessons? I was thinking we could . . .”

Irritation burned Iris’s skin, but she somehow refrained from saying anything as the two women continued to chat over her as if she wasn’t even present.

Or like she wasn’t a person at all.

Crown & Serpent Blog Tour
(click on the banner to see the tour schedule)

A merciless Villain Origin Story . . .
Get Crown & Serpent now!


Fire & Ash  Shield & Blade


Royal Decoy (book 1)  Royal Spy (book 2)

Royal Captive (book 3)  Royal Rebel (book 4)


About Silvia

Through her creativity and blogging, Silvia has met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. Her strong passion for reading and her fascination for different cultures and languages have led her to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see her? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

10 responses to “Crown & Serpent by Heather Frost | Blog Tour

    • Hehe, someone really knows me well 😉
      Writing such a book is not an easy task, it requires excellent skills, which Ms Frost has in abundance! She really deserves a big round of applause for the courage and passion she put into telling a story that was not to be taken for granted 👏🏻👏🏻

  1. Abbie

    I can see you were enjoy reading this story so much✨
    I hope I could also read this book series in English someday =]

    • Your English is improving day by day, Abbie, the time will soon come when you can read a compelling series like this all in one go! 💖

  2. I read the blurb and then your review and I was like… wait, they’re VILLAINS? I was just getting set to root for them. 🙂

    Fun excerpt too.

    • And that’s the problem, Greg, you can’t help but root for them here, even though you know what they are destined to become . . . See? It truly poisons your mind! 😜

  3. I’ve only read a couple villain origin stories and the ones I most enjoy are when they don’t condone, but explain so I understand how the person turned out as they did. This sounds like one of those. Glad you loved it, Silvia!

    • Exactly, Sophia, I also love it when it is revealed how someone became a villain, and this story does it beautifully with not one but two characters. Definitely a must read to get an even bigger picture of this compelling story 💜

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