Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

Posted August 6, 2011 by Silvia in Books / 6 Comments

Nightshade by Andrea CremerNightshade by Andrea Cremer
Series: Nightshade #1
Published by Atom on July 26, 2011
Genres: YA, Paranormal
Source: Gift
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She can control her pack, but not her heart . . .
'I wanted him to kiss me-wished he could smell the desire that I knew was pouring off me. You can't, Calla. This boy isn't the one for you.'
Calla Tor has always known her destiny: graduation, marriage and then a life leading her pack. But when she defies her masters' laws to save a human boy, she must choose. Is one boy worth losing everything?

I have to be honest, at first this book caught my attention for the US cover. Don’t get me wrong, the UK one is beautiful, but the US cover has something special, very captivating . . . Anyway, after reading the summary I knew there was more to enjoy than an amazing cover. So when a very sweet friend of mine gifted me the book, I was so much in heaven that I started reading it as soon as I got the delivery. And I was right, Nightshade is beautiful in so many ways!

After only five chapters in, I found myself lost in the reading! Werewolves, Keepers, Searchers . . . The whole story is really fascinating and the element of the unexpected is always ready to jump on you at every moment, which is something I always love. There’s a perfect mix of mystery and action, and great dialogues. From funny to touching and also provocative . . . Every character is well developed and interesting. Someone is really creepy, someone nasty, and someone quite lovable. But you can’t just pick one of the packs members, you would love to meet anyone for real! Calla seems particularly focused on Shay, though. Gorgeous, smart, sweet . . . Annoying would be my word to describe him. Sorry, I can’t help it, I’m Team Ren! He’s a great young alpha who clearly cares about his betrothal pretty much, and an awesome guy who can’t seriously leave you indifferent . . . It’s impossible to ignore all the goosebumps he gives you every time he speaks, or simply enters in a room. His way of “playing” with Calla is hypnotic and there’s no scene that isn’t remarkable between the two of them. I really love when a character has that effect on me, and I have to thank Andrea Cremer for creating such a dreamy guy and a winning story!

I can totally say that Nightshade is definitely one of the best reads I did this year. If you haven’t read it yet, go grab you copy, you won’t regret it!


About Silvia

Through her creativity and blogging, Silvia has met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. Her strong passion for reading and her fascination for different cultures and languages have led her to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see her? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

6 responses to “Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

  1. Like you probably already know, I agree with every word! And yes, Team Ren all the way! I love Shay, but he's more of a friend. I love the Ren-bumps!

    We need to get book 2 ASAP and buddy read it like crazy. LOL

  2. I noticed that, but just a little bit… LOL
    And I know, after Ren-bumps like these you can't help it, all you want is more!!!! <3

    We absolutely have to! 😉

  3. Definitely! It was almost too little Ren when I think about it. o: Plus I've heard Wolfsbane's got even less. 🙁 I'm just hoping the last one will be tons of Ren! OMG, I just saw a video where Andrea talks about the series… Okay, I'll just add it in one of our mails, LOL!

  4. That's sad :(… But Ren is always in my <3 it doens't matter how many pages he's in! 😉 (but of course I'm with you about the last book! ;P)
    Thanks for the link, B! That video is awesome and now I can't wait to read the second book with you!!

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