Publisher: Atom

Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer

Posted October 3, 2011 in Books
Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer

Unfortunately I couldn’t read this book as fast as I wished because I was in the middle of a move, but trust me when I say that this is the only reason why I had to put it down so many times. The book is so involving that all you wanna do is keep reading! As I wrote in my review for Nightshade, every character is well developed and interesting, […]

Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

Posted August 6, 2011 in Books
Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

I have to be honest, at first this book caught my attention for the US cover. Don’t get me wrong, the UK one is beautiful, but the US cover has something special, very captivating . . . Anyway, after reading the summary I knew there was more to enjoy than an amazing cover. So when a very sweet friend of mine gifted me the book, I was so much in […]

Die for Me by Amy Plum

Posted May 14, 2011 in Books
Die for Me by Amy Plum

When I read the summary I didn’t know what to expect form this book, but the cover definitely caught my attention—one of the best I’ve ever seen—and I decided to give it a try. Guess what? It was a completely surprise! I devoured it, it was just a matter of hours, I couldn’t and I wouldn’t put it down, I needed to know what was going to happen next . […]