Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer

Posted October 3, 2011 by Silvia in Books / 6 Comments

Wolfsbane by Andrea CremerWolfsbane by Andrea Cremer
Series: Nightshade #2
Published by Atom on July 26, 2011
Genres: YA, Paranormal
Source: Gift
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When Calla Tor wakes up in the lair of the Searchers, she's certain her days are numbered. Then the Searchers make her an offer, one that gives her the chance to destroy her former masters and save the boy she left behind. Calla must decide which battles are worth fighting and how many trials love can endure.

Unfortunately I couldn’t read this book as fast as I wished because I was in the middle of a move, but trust me when I say that this is the only reason why I had to put it down so many times. The book is so involving that all you wanna do is keep reading!

As I wrote in my review for Nightshade, every character is well developed and interesting, but sometimes I felt lost with some of their reactions in this book . . . A few unexpected events happened and someone seemed not to react as he/she should have. Of course, this could be because there’s still lots of mystery around so many things that we can’t see everything clearly yet, I was really expecting a different reaction by someone when something shocking was revealed . . . Mostly from Calla, I thought her mind was elsewhere and she was completely astounded. Also, I really wanted to read more about Ren, but since the dynamic of the story I understand his almost complete absence here. I mean, it’s justified because we already know different things about Werewolves and Keepers but not so much about Searchers and this second book is all about them, or at least the biggest part. We knew their real place and role in the story and Gosh if it’s intriguing! Maybe there were a couple of predictable things, at least for me, but that didn’t make them less interesting.

At some point something has broke my heart, but that final scene . . . I’m dying to read about! The beginning of Bloodrose seems to be amazing, and I truly hope it’s just a taste of another great book of a beautiful series.


About Silvia

Through her creativity and blogging, Silvia has met people from different industries and collaborated with them on various projects over the years. Her strong passion for reading and her fascination for different cultures and languages have led her to develop a keen interest in the East-Asian continent. Off to see her? Follow the colourful book road . . . ♡

6 responses to “Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer

  1. The wrong reactions, I though about as well, but for me it was completely selfish to want them to react that way. Lol. To be honest, if I'd put myself in their situation, their reactions are pretty understandable.

    Omg, the ending was torture! And I too want Ren and to end it like that! Gah. Arrive January, arrive!

  2. I think you misunderstood me, B… The "reactions" I mean are especially related to the loss of someone… I was expecting a bigger reaction from Calla and what I read was just a little bit of what I thought it was a tragic event. Plus, it was really like she was completely astounded many times and I was disappointed about that. But trust me, I liked the book and I still think this series is something very beautiful! 😉

  3. Oh, well I meant all reactions in the book! I kind of think their all understandable. Plus Calla can't really afford a full break-down, even though it's obvious she needs more Ren! Buuuut she has Shay too… and the pack… so I mean I'm a bit selfish when I want a different reaction, cause I want her to break down… LOL. If that makes sense. I want her to end up with Ren! Always.

    BTWWWWWWW what did you think of that scene between Calla and Shay??? ._. I was like "OMG NO!" hahahhaha, which is a first…

  4. I can't stand them together and it's not just because I'm TOTALLY Team Ren *I have Ren-bumps just for saying that, LOL* I really can't picture the two of them like a couple… And it's a first for me, too!

  5. I know!! (I always get Ren-bumps when mind-bumping Ren! LOL — OMG mind-bumbing???? Really… that sounded… bad.) Shay feels like that brotherly friend guy! I want Ren all the way! (heheheheh, oh yes… I'm bad today!)

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