Publisher: Headline Eternal

Redemption Road by Katie Ashley

Posted August 25, 2017 in Books
Redemption Road by Katie Ashley

A few months ago I read Vicious Cycle, but it didn’t work well for me . . . Nevertheless, I managed to develop a crush on Rev—the lead male character of this second instalment—so I knew it was just a matter of time before I’d pick this book up. And yes, there’s also the fact I like to give authors a second chance, so here I am! With a dangerous […]

Wrecked by J.B. Salsbury

Posted August 11, 2017 in Books
Wrecked by J.B. Salsbury

I knew this would be the kind of roller-coaster read I like to immerse myself in, but I didn’t know it would deliver more than a touching story with a broken hero. Indeed, dear Sawyer put me in a very unexpected emotional state with an extremely delicate situation to face and an unbearable thought. War is already horrible, being haunted by the memories of it is quite dreadful. For Aden […]

Firefly by Molly McAdams

Posted July 14, 2017 in Books
Firefly by Molly McAdams

Blackbird gave me so many—messed up—feelings that I’ve been highly anticipating this second instalment in the Redemption series. What I wasn’t expecting, though, was for new conflicting emotions to arise . . . A captivating plot, a girl forced to live following orders that cage her, a secret to keep for her own sake, adrenaline rushing, brief moments of pleasure happiness stolen, and two men fighting—in different ways—for the same […]

Behind the Curtain by Beth Kery

Posted June 16, 2017 in Books
Behind the Curtain by Beth Kery

I only read one book from this author before, but I knew I had to try more of her works, and I was sure this was going to be the perfect title to help with my ‘Kery education’. Boy, was I 100% right! From the moment I read the blurb, I was captivated. Then, when I started reading, I found myself completely absorbed into the story and felt so much […]