Series: House of Trent

The Scoundrel’s Seduction by Jennifer Haymore

Posted May 22, 2014 in Books
The Scoundrel’s Seduction by Jennifer Haymore

When I received this book for review, a part of me was excited and the other was terribly sad because it seemed like the time to say goodbye to the House of Trent had come. But Sam—Oh Sam—made the end of the journey so pleasurable and adventurous that I actually didn’t shed any tears, and when I closed the book I only had a big smile on my face. Sam […]

One Night with an Earl by Jennifer Haymore

Posted April 14, 2014 in Books
One Night with an Earl by Jennifer Haymore

I think that imagining Lady Esme writing these novellas is why they have such a special emotional impact on me. And for that, I am truly grateful because I always end up having a big satisfaction every time I read one of those stories, just like it happened with One Night with an Earl. This was a lovely novella in which the interaction between the hero and the heroine was […]

The Rogue’s Proposal by Jennifer Haymore

Posted January 13, 2014 in Books
The Rogue’s Proposal by Jennifer Haymore

I was really looking forward to reading this second instalment in the House of Trent series, especially because of the brother it focuses on, and I’m pleased to say that it didn’t disappoint me at all. On the contrary, it surprised me with an even better Lukas Hawkins—and extremely hot!—than the one I previously pictured in my head. The reasons why Lord Lukas doesn’t let anyone in, run deep and […]

His for Christmas by Jennifer Haymore

Posted October 14, 2013 in Books
His for Christmas by Jennifer Haymore

Jennifer Haymore does a great job delivering those novellas under Lady Esme’s hand. I always imagine this Lady writing them down and I just love it! Every time, her characters result quite entertaining and the stories are very pleasant to read. Just like His for Christmas, a simple, short story that is sweet but also sensually enthralling . . . Charming and oh-boy sexy! A misunderstanding can be painful and […]