Series: The Horus Group

Hate F*@k: Part Three by Ainsley Booth

Posted May 15, 2015 in Books
Hate F*@k: Part Three by Ainsley Booth

This third and final part of the Hate F*@k serial may not have gotten me particularly thrilled, but I can’t say I’m unhappy either. Hailey and Cole’s interaction is better, their moments aren’t just a series of sex encounters, and we even get to know a bit more about Cole. Still not enough for me, but at least it helped me not being so indifferent to him and I could […]

Hate F*@k: Part Two by Ainsley Booth

Posted May 11, 2015 in Books
Hate F*@k: Part Two by Ainsley Booth

The friend who suggested me this serial kindly lent me her Kindle to catch up with the second instalment, which unfortunately didn’t work out as well as I hoped . . . At the end of the first part we’re left hanging with a big cliffhanger, but that gets its resolution almost instantly and everything is quickly and too easily ‘dismissed’. Sometimes the main purpose of Cole and the rest […]

Hate F*@k: Part One by Ainsley Booth

Posted May 7, 2015 in Books
Hate F*@k: Part One by Ainsley Booth

I usually enjoy reading about love-hate relationships, but I thought this didn’t fall under that category quite well. There’s a big attraction the main characters can’t deny and they quickly turn their teasing into action, but I’m afraid the hate is not very strong. When Hailey brings up the ‘hate’, it doesn’t really register like that and Cole seems to push her buttons more to get in her pants rather […]