Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood

The King by J.R. Ward

Posted April 23, 2014 in Books
The King by J.R. Ward

I don’t have problems reading multiple POVs, and I’m certainly used to the ones in the BDB series, but this time I have to say that they have given me a bit of a rough time. It’s not because I couldn’t keep up with them all, it’s because I was pushed in the middle of many plots and all of a sudden left to wonder . . . a bit […]

Lover at Last by J.R. Ward

Posted June 13, 2013 in Books
Lover at Last by J.R. Ward

Goosebumps, chills, heart thumping fast and giggles that won’t leave you for weeks even after you finished the read. Lover at Last is absolutely the most intense book of this series and so is Qhuinn and Blay relationship. Those two broke my heart so many times during the series that I lost count and still, I kept cheering them always and unconditionally. Let’s be honest, part of their charm has […]

Lover Unleashed by J.R. Ward

Posted June 6, 2013 in Books
Lover Unleashed by J.R. Ward

I found Payne very different from what I expected her to be. I always pictured her like a warrior, kick-ass heroine (Xhex style), but apparently she ended having more ‘Chosen’ characteristics and this put me down a bit. Then, she and Manny are a totally likeable couple and Manuel Manello is an amazing hero! Kind of a revelation to be honest, in fact, even if I liked him, I’d never […]

Lover Mine by J.R. Ward

Posted May 28, 2013 in Books
Lover Mine by J.R. Ward

That John Matthew was a man of worth has always been clear, even before his transition kicked in, but what I still wasn’t realising was how this would have affected my crush on him. Crush? Let’s call it love, shall we? The way he fights for his female, the love he has for her and the ways he has to show it . . . John Matthew, I love you! […]